Laser Florence 2025 – 31st Edition

Laser Florence welcomes companies who wish to exhibit at the meeting. State-of-the-art laser and medical instrumentation provided by exhibiting companies is used during the hands-on courses. CLICK HERE
65 years old but laser is always young!
The 16th of May 2025 will be the 65th birthday of the laser.
After the first laser construction by Theodore Maiman, in Sant Barbara, USA, the world greatly trusted in this technology: up today, 26 scientists received the Nobel Prize for their researches regarding the utilization of laser in human science.
Photobiomodulation is very very old: Hyppocrates, who proposed the use of the sun rays for would healing may be considered as its father, and after him, at the end of 1700 year, this topic went on with Joseph Priestley, Antoine de Lavoisier and many others.
Laser utilization in medicine and surgery is still young: 65 years are very few when related to the enormous number of possibilities still unexpressed by this technology.
The most experts of medicine, surgery and biology in the world will be invited to Florence for establishing the state of art in their fields as well as to spread their new researches.
Florence is a wonderful town and we are sure that its magic atmosphere will be able to contribute to make the scientist contribute, by their precious research results, to improve the human condition.
The use of laser and photobiomodulation in the different fields of the medicine and surgery will be discussed, analyzing advantages and limitations, indications and techniques, as well as suggesting the proper parameters for each therapy.
Young researchers are warmly invited to participate: their curiosity, interest and enthusiasm will represent a great help for the pioneers to go on along the way of the scientific knowledge.
As in the previous 30 editions, the Congress will be sponsored by the greatest national and international Institutions, and included in the program of continuous medical education of Italy, Europe, Japan, China, North-America, Australia/New Zealand and also other different countries
The best oral communications and poster will be awarded and all the abstracts and the proceedings will be published by the peer journal Laser Therapy.
I look forward to meeting you in Florence for sharing this wonderful scientific experience.
Leonardo Longo, MD
The Program Chairperson